Laura Carpenter
San Jose State University, MLIS program
Information 289: Advanced Topics in Library and Information Science (E-Portfolio)
E-portfolio advisor: Dr. Joni Richards Bodart
November 15, 2021
Competency B:
Describe and compare organizational settings in which information professionals practice.
Remote Work Settings:
Providing Accessibility to Important Roles for Disabled Information Professionals
Section 1 of 4:
An Introduction to What Competency B Means to Me and to Library and Information Science​
Background Knowledge:
There are many different organizational settings in which information professionals practice. The three settings that will be examined here are:
-Public Library: This setting included public library branches, individual library departments such as the children’s room, reference, teens, circulation, and outreach services. These information professionals are generally librarians, librarians assistants, library aids and shelvers, branch managers, and library system administrators.
-Fully Remote Role: This setting allows information professionals to work from home, a shared office space, a mobile or transient-based lifestyle, or while travelling. These information professionals can be researchers, resource creators, graphic designers, consultants, or even virtual library management roles. Our global workforce is currently adapting to a pandemic and shifting many roles to remote work settings. This is an organizational setting that is rapidly evolving in real time. There are positions developing that overlap between remote settings and academic libraries (such as academic libraries hiring remote consultants or resource creators), as well as remote settings and public libraries (such as public libraries moving their services to remote or digital only settings during the pandemic, like virtual storytimes). There are many remote roles that are completely different from both public and academic library settings, such as graphic designers for private companies, or content writers and researchers for websites.
-Academic Library: This setting includes university and college libraries, research libraries, school libraries, and private or government funded libraries that specialize in academic materials. The academic library setting of an elementary school library may experience some overlap with the public library setting of a children’s room.
There are many specific characteristics within organizational settings that differ and that are similar. The specific organizational characteristics that I plan to compare here are:
-Audience: The audience that information professionals will be addressing in each setting is going to be different, multifaceted, and nuanced. There are some overlapping similarities though these settings, such as designing communications for internal staff.
-Funding: Funding is where these different organizational settings receive their cash flow, resources, and other financial assets. Most settings can experience some overlap in finding sources, and many funding options can be pursued by all settings if a designated employee or administrator is willing to put in the time, effort, and research (such as seeking grants, donations, or other one-time funding additions).
Why Competency B is Important to Me as a Professional:
As straightforward and simple as this competency may seem, it turns out it is actually one of the most personal for me. I will be graduating from this MLIS program in December. It is currently October and that milestone is getting closer and closer. Over the past two years, I have thought extensively about where I would like to put my Master of Library and Information Science degree to use. My background is that of a children’s librarian, and I loved that position dearly. Working with young kids is something I’ve always excelled at. Goofy storytimes are my jam. Creating safe, inclusive, welcoming spaces is something I do almost innately and it has been hugely appreciated by my patrons.
And yet.
I am a person with chronic health issues and I have struggled with my health for years. I qualify as having a disability, though I sometimes struggle with thinking of myself as someone who is “disabled”. Yet the fact remains: I am dependent on medication with serious side effects, on daily physical therapy, and on specific lifestyle adjustments and routines in order to be a functioning human. If I deviate from my health maintenance plan, I risk ending up back in the Emergency Room. This pandemic has been a waking nightmare for me: having finally grasped a modicum of physical health, only to be toppled into a new landscape in which going to the grocery store could kill me.
My health has improved significantly since I moved to a different climate. I overheat easily and my health conditions are severely exacerbated by this. I also live in a rural community where there are few in-person employment options available. I would like to stay living here. Pre-grad school, the longest I had lived in any one structure since I was 18 years old was 1 year and 4 months, and that was my record by far. I'm 35 and I have no desire to move again. I like where I live.
My health, the climate, and my isolated location make finding full-time remote work a wonderful option for me. I also think back to the projects, coursework, and career experiences that I have enjoyed the most and I find a running theme that supports my gravitation to a remote work environment. I have loved and excelled at creating websites, resources, infographics, templates, and synthesizing complex information into easily digestible and visually appealing deliverables. In this fully remote MLIS program, I have excelled academically and professionally, reaching new heights in achievement and skill sets.
Pandemic relief legislation and funding resources are allowing for the creation of more and more remote work opportunities for information professionals. Also, as the pandemic has forced many employers to shift to remote work practices, it has been proven that many roles can be filled remotely. To remain competitive, the emerging employment landscape demands that employers offer enticing remote opportunities. The design of so many new positions to be fully remote provides a new level of accessibility to me and to other information professionals with disabilities. I now have better access to career options in which I would excel in, without compromising my health. It is my hope that I will find a full-time remote position that allows me to comfortably support myself and to create interesting and visually appealing information resources.
Why Competency B is Important to the Profession as a Whole:
Information professionals bring the ability to excel and lead in countless professional working environments. There are few, if any, professional settings that would not benefit significantly from the organizational prowess, focus on providing resources, and comprehensive awareness of cultural, ethical, and technological issues that information professionals bring with them. When information professionals understand how valuable and relevant the advanced skills and resources that they bring to any setting are, they can better work to advance their field, their own knowledge base, and the level of service that the profession provides and aspires to.
What Excellence in Competency B Looks Like to Me:
When I think of information professionals who are excelling in the organizational setting in which they practice, I see them applying the principles of library science to their own career choices in order to determine what is the best fit for them and for their employer. Information professionals can ask themselves: what setting is most accessible to them? In what setting do they feel they can provide long term and valuable service? What skill sets do they excel in? What setting will allow them to apply and develop these skills? Is their own practice of information science equitable? What setting allows them to explore this?
For instance, is we look at an information professional such as myself who:
-has a disability
-excels at digital resource creation
-is an artist
-has degrees in creative writing and library and information science
-lives in an area where in-person employment is scarce
-has a strong focus on issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion
To excel in Competency B, that information professional could then ask:
-What setting is most accessible to them?
A fully remote work setting is a disability accommodation that allows this information professional to maintain their health and to provide excellent service.
-In what setting do they feel they can provide long term and valuable service?
A remote setting allows them to have a long term career, in which they can grow with a company and become a strong part of the team, providing excellent service that is uninterrupted by health crises, all while maintaining their health plan and housing.
-What skill sets do they excel in?
They excel at designing digital resources such as website creation and design, infographics, templates, and reports. All of these can be produced and delivered in a fully remote setting.
-What setting will allow them to apply and develop these skills?
A remote setting allows them to apply their resource creation skills to provide digital deliverables. These roles could be: graphic designer, remote liaison librarian, content researcher, content writer, or digital library manager.
Section 2 of 4:
The Discussion of My Evidence
As my “Evidence A”, I am presenting the LibGuide that I created, Using the Civil Rights Digital Library database.
How and Why I Created Evidence A:
In my “Information 244: Online Searching” course, I was tasked with choosing an online resource, choosing an appropriate user group for that resource, and creating an original training guide for that user group.
The Process of Creating Evidence A:
I chose to structure this project around two elements:
How information professionals can apply their advanced skill sets to help dismantle systems of oppression and to support those working towards that same goal, and
How information professionals can do this in a fully remote environment.
With this in mind, the existing online resource that I chose was the Civil Rights Digital Library database. The user group that I chose was activists fighting for civil rights in the U.S. who would like to use historical data to back up their efforts, or to fact check information. I chose to create my training guide in the form of a LibGuide, to keep it in a widely accessible and relevant format that could be accessed and utilized outside of my coursework. Choosing this audience, database, and training guide allowed me to use my information science skill sets to design a resource and deliverable that supported the civil rights movement from a completely remote setting.
I was assigned this project in August of 2020, shortly after the murders of Ahmaud Arbery by white men, and George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by law enforcement. There were and are nationwide protests happening surrounding the deeply entrenched issues of systemic racism, police brutality, and a nation that has continuously turned a blind eye to taking the needed actions against racial injustice. In the summer of 2020, there was a massive activism and social justice movement of People of Color, and especially the Black community, speaking out about the systemic racism they have lived with in the U.S. for generations. There was also ample misinformation or incorrect information from those with opposing viewpoints, being presented as fact via social media and news outlets.
The data in the Civil Rights Digital Library is powerful and very poignant. While historical information is not a movement on its own, and activists are creating new and powerful content for the current civil rights movement, historical data can be used to supplement activism work. This database can also be used to fact check questionable information found elsewhere pertaining to historical civil rights events.
I wanted Evidence A to be easily readable and very direct and concise with its content, to be practical, useful, and to have a logical flow of information that was expanded upon under each tab. I also made sure to include several examples of interesting and unique information that I was able to locate in the database, to keep interest piqued. I utilized the "Preview" function on LibGuides consistently, as it was much easier to catch my own typos in that format and to see what improvements to my formatting could be made, for instance, bolding the headers. I sent the LibGuide to 2 objective outsiders with no background in library and information science or with the Civil Rights Digital Library database, to ensure that it made sense and was helpful. They appreciated the clean and streamlined formatting and found my directions to be clear and effective, enabling them to explore the database with an understanding of how to navigate it and what they were looking at and for.
I chose to organize my training guide in the following manner:
1) Home page, which contains the following sections:
- What is the Civil Rights Digital Library database?
- How to access the Civil Rights Digital Library database
- Topics covered in the Civil Rights Digital Library database
2) Search Strategies page, which contains the following sections:
- Search by Location
- Search with Boolean Operators
- Browsing Information
- Keyword Searches
- Browsing Indexes
3) Fact Checking page, which contains the following sections:
- Tools to Verify Specific Information
- Other Sources to Assist in Information Verification
Why I Chose to Feature Evidence A and How Evidence A Shows Competency:
-Addressing the characteristic of audience in a fully remote role:
-Fully Remote Role: These roles are often going to have very employer or project-specific audiences. The services that these information professionals provide need to be easily conveyed and understood by the audience of their specific professional-level project. This setting also relies heavily on effective internal communications for the audience of staff, as all instruction, guidance, and communications are done virtually.
I created Evidence A for a specific audience. The assignment instructed to carefully choose an audience that would benefit from a specific online resource. I chose to create Evidence A for activists who are creating content and doing the work of social justice, so that they could more easily navigate this online database for factual and supported documentation of previous civil rights movements in order to help them bolster their own efforts in the current civil rights movement. The assignment instructions, the online database, and my training guide were all created to be accessible in a fully remote setting. No physical location was required to create, access, or benefit from any of the project resources and deliverables.
When compared to:
-Addressing the characteristic of audience in an academic library:
-Academic Library: In this setting, information professionals have an audience of scholarly readers, academic peers, researchers, and students. The services these professionals provide need to be geared towards a professional level, research-fluent, academic, audience. This setting also provides internal communications for the audience of staff.
In Evidence A, my audience is civil rights activists. Anyone can be a civil rights activist, from members of the general public to university professors and administrators. While Evidence A provides information on advanced search strategies and academic content, it does so in a very accessible and user-friendly way.
Moving on to:
-Addressing the characteristic of funding in a fully remote role:
-Fully Remote Role: Fully remote positions can vary wildly across the spectrum of responsibilities, audience, and funding. Many remote roles are offered by private companies, though it is not difficult to imagine remote roles also receiving funding from grants, private funding, or donors. These roles frequently work within the budgetary parameters delegated to them by company administration and resources.
I designed Evidence A to be a free resource. There is no cost, subscription fee, or financial barrier to access to utilize Evidence A. I also chose an existing online resource that provided free access to its services. To create the LibGuide on my end however, I needed to be granted access to the LibGuide service through my university, which pays for a subscription and administrator usage. The university allocates portions of its available funding to the MLIS program for these access privileges. Therefore in Evidence A, the line between funding options for Academic libraries and remote settings becomes blurred.
When compared to:
-Addressing the characteristic of funding in an academic library:
-Academic Library: In this setting, information professionals receive funding from grants, private funding options, tuition, athletics, allotted county/city funds, or donors. Information professionals do create budgets in this setting but there is generally more oversight, delegation, and hierarchy involved in academic budgetary creation and implementation, as the accountability for funds and government resources is very structured.
I designed Evidence A to incur no cost from its users. To create Evidence A however, I needed access to a service with costs for memberships and administrator privileges. The university covers those costs in their budget, and I pay tuition to the university to take these courses and to create these assignments.
As my “Evidence B”, I am presenting the website that I created, A Children's Librarian's 12-Month Programming Plan.
How and Why I Created Evidence B:
In my “Information 260A: Programming and Services for Children” course, I was tasked with creating a year's worth of children’s programming. I was to design the project specifically for a public library setting.
The Process of Creating Evidence B:
I loved creating this website. It really gave me a chance to think about how I would implement programming in my own Children's Department and how I would continuously evaluate it to ensure it was meeting goals and expectations. I also thoroughly enjoyed creating the website design and aesthetics. This was one of my favorite assignments, as I was able to focus on how I wanted to incorporate joy into my work.
I chose to create the following sections of Evidence B: Home, Introduction, Programming, Storytime Templates, Assessment (providing transparency on how all programming would be evaluated), Budget (providing line items for all programming in the children’s department), Conclusion, Fun Resources (with craft “recipes” and pictures of crafts I made as a children’s librarian), References, and Meet Our Children’s Librarian (which contains information on my activism work, photos of me on-the-job as a children's librarian, some book recommendations, and a section for free virtual storytimes I created).
​When I was creating these programs and this website, I wanted to make it something that I personally would use, and I wanted it to be about something that I am passionate about. I chose to include programming such as StoryWalk that embraces nature, as there is much research on the benefits of nature on child development. Libraries can play a large role in that. I included programming like Therapy-Dog Storytime that encourages learning to be kind to and comfortable with animals. There is ample evidence that reading to dogs can help children develop strong literacy skills. Tying these elements into my programming plan repeatedly, to offer consistency, development, and a set expectation was important to me.
At the heart of what I wanted to achieve was to provide informed, inclusive, and supportive programming to patrons who are struggling with issues of inequity. That is actually what I am centering a large part of my degree coursework on as a whole. I have seen libraries fail at creating and implementing inclusive, informed, and supportive programming and it has truly broken my heart. I have also seen libraries go above and beyond in creating programming that opened their arms to patrons struggling with issues of inequity, and this has given me such incredible hope and joy. With my career, I hope to help libraries truly understand how important they are in the battle for equity that their patrons and staff are enmeshed in, and to encourage and inspire libraries to reach new heights in what they offer to their patrons who are struggling.
​ There are several organizations and programs mentioned by name in my programming examples, and I would like to take a moment to clarify: Drag Queen Story Hour, StoryWalk, and Let's Move in Libraries are real organizations and programs, and I link to them where appropriate. I made up the specific organization of "Hounds of Hope", though therapy-dog storytime organizations do exist and I have used them with great success in storytimes before.
Why I Chose to Feature Evidence B and How Evidence B Shows Competency:
-Addressing the characteristic of audience in a public library:
-Public Library: In a public library, the services that information professionals provide need to be easily conveyed and understood by the general public, as well as an audience of staff members for internal communications.
I created Evidence B specifically for a public library’s children’s librarian. In Evidence B, I present all of the information in a way that is accessible to the general public, appropriate for the audience of children, parents, library goers, and librarians.
When compared to:
-Addressing the characteristic of audience in an academic library:
-Academic Library: In this setting, information professionals have an audience of scholarly readers, academic peers, researchers, and students. The services these professionals provide need to be geared towards a professional level, research-fluent, academic, audience. This setting also provides internal communications for the audience of staff.
Evidence B is not geared towards an academic audience or setting. I use cartoons, bright and eye grabbing color schemes, and language easily understood by children. If I were to create something for an academic setting and audience, I would present it like my scholarly White Paper: The Transitioning of Academic Libraries from Collection Providers to Service Providers.
Moving on to:
-Addressing the characteristic of funding in a public library:
-Public Library: Public libraries are often very hands-on in their creation of budgets. They can receive funding through allotted county or city funds, private funding options, donations, or even grants. Public libraries and their department heads also have more hand-on capabilities when allocating their departmental budgetary resources.
Evidence B demonstrates this by providing a section devoted to budget-transparency. As the acting children’s librarian in Evidence B, I was able to determine how much of a budget would be devoted to things like sensory-sensitive resources such as lamps and tactile rugs, as well as sourcing donations, like pizza parties, and utilizing a summer reading them that was free to use and without licensing restrictions (the “Libraries are for Everyone” campaign).
When compared to:
-Addressing the characteristic of funding in an academic library:
-Academic Library: In this setting, information professionals receive funding from grants, private funding options, tuition, athletics, allotted county/city funds, or donors. Information professionals do create budgets in this setting but there is generally more oversight, delegation, and hierarchy involved in academic budgetary creation and implementation, as the accountability for funds and government resources is very structured.
Evidence B demonstrates that a Children’s Librarian, a mid-level supervisor, has significant control over how their department funds will be spent. My Creating a Budget exercise demonstrates a more overreaching and accountable budgetary perspective.
Section 3 of 4:
How Creating the Evidence Helped Me Gain Expertise in Competency B
How Creating Evidence A Helped Me Gain Competency in the Area of B:
Creating Evidence A demonstrated my ability to customize all elements of a project to benefit a remote setting for resource creation and for resource access. Utilizing my fully remote course materials and assignment instructions, I designed Evidence A so that the intended audience could access, utilize, and benefit from it regardless of their physical location or financial status. I could have designed Evidence A as a video presentation, where I used screenshots to provide a walk through of how to use a resource. I could have made the privacy settings of the video private. I could have chosen an online service that I only had access to through the university, like WebData Pro, and that was not accessible to the public. If I had designed Evidence A in that manner, I would have missed an incredible opportunity to create a usable resource for a remote audience. I specifically chose to design Evidence A to demonstrate my ability to create professional, timely, relevant, and easy-to-access resources in a remote setting.
How Creating Evidence A Changed My Way of Thinking on Competency B:
Creating Evidence A allowed me to explore and further develop what I could do from a fully remote setting. It also allowed me to experiment with designing a project that could be accessed and utilized by fully remote users. Creating Evidence A allowed me to continue finding new ways to turn my course projects into accessible real-world resources. Creating Evidence A really allowed me to understand the potential that remote settings brought me in terms of reaching a wider audience.
When I desperately wanted to be at the Black Lives Matter protests, supporting and protecting my friends and loved ones, but my chronic health issues made being in crowds a high-risk issue, I threw myself into providing my friends with valuable resources from a fully remote setting. I did extensive research on local bail-funds, mutual aid organizations, methods of emergency medical care, and legal information. I stayed in constant contact with my friends at the protests, sending them information they needed and that could help as they were hit by rubber bullets, pushed and shoved, and degraded by law enforcement. Having the ability to apply my information professional skill sets (research, sourcing, catering to audience, creating deliverables, monitoring live footage, keeping open communication channels with friends, delivering information and resources) in rapidly developing situations demonstrated to me the critical importance and applicability of remote settings for information professionals.
How Creating Evidence B Helped Me Gain Competency in the Area of B:
Creating Evidence B allowed me to customize an entire year’s worth of programming strategies, options, and implementation methods to a specific setting: a public library’s children’s department. Designing Evidence B in this way allowed me to consider issues of audience, funding, content, and presentation. If I were going to design a year's worth of programming for an academic library, I would focus on education programs for different faculty departments, training on library resources, and programs for university students. I would also present my content differently, in a more professional manner, geared towards an adult audience (i.e., less cartoons, bubble letters, and exclamation points than I utilize in Evidence B). But I designed Evidence B for a children’s library: I wanted the presentation to embrace the aesthetics of a children’s department and of the content I presented: storytimes, arts and crafts, drag queen story hour, and therapy dog storytimes). Evidence B allowed me to cater an very extensive level of programming and planning to the specific setting of a public library.
How Creating Evidence B Changed My Way of Thinking on Competency B:
Creating Evidence B really allowed me to explore issues of audience and funding. I internationally designed Evidence B to be able to be utilized by several specific audiences. Evidence B is accessible and appropriate for children, parents, librarians, and community members. Instead of presenting Evidence B in an academic manner, I designed Evidence B as if it were being presented on an actual library’s website. This allowed me to expand my own perception of how I could present an extensive resource. There is academic and scholarly information and formatting present in Evidence B (a designated introduction and conclusion, the “references” section, as well as the research I did and cited in order to create the programs) but it is presented in a way that is accessible and appropriate for children (bright colors, fun cartoons, easy navigation), parents and community members (events calendars, codes of conduct, and research based storytime templates), and librarians (there is a budget, an assessment strategy, and implementable programming ideas and research). I was also able to experiment with budgeting allocation and line items for a public library in Evidence B. I was able to evaluate all financial costs incurred for a year's worth of children's programming and build them into a budget. The budget structure, line items, and my ability to move funds around would have been very different if I had been designing a budget for a year's worth of programming in an academic library.
Coursework That Has Prepared Me for Competency B:
In my “Information 204: Information Professions” course, I create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of a public library branch, but a SWOT analysis is useful in many settings. I also did a budget creation exercise in which I reduced a public library’s budget and redistributed funds. I then created a Management Response Paper regarding complaints about patrons who received inequitable treatment. In my “Information 269: Early Childhood Literacy” course, I am currently adapting Evidence B and turning it into a year long Early Literacy Program which I designed for public libraries. In my “Information 263: Materials for Children” course, I did a study on equity, diversity, inclusion and white privilege in children's books. The study is very user friendly and can be utilized by librarians, authors, bookstore employees, parents, illustrators, and other interested viewers. I also created a website designed to highlight children's non-print resources available at public libraries.
In my “Information 237: School Library Media Materials” course, I created a book promotion that provides remote access to information on books with wonderful artwork. I created it as a website during the pandemic, and designed it to mimic the experience of picking up a book from a display and flipping through it. It works wonderfully for an audience of remote children. I designed a Cultural Awareness and Exploration Text Set for: Ms. Marvel Vol. 1: No Normal. It provides remotely accessible resources for teachers and students regarding representation in media.
In my “Information 230: Issues in Academic Libraries” course, I created a website exploring the importance of diversifying the library sciences. In this site, I create and present fully remote access to my academic work, personal activism, other websites I’ve created, and additional resources focusing on issues of EDI in information science. I also wrote three White Papers specific to the setting of academic libraries: An Examination of Exciting New Career Territories for the Academic Librarian, The Transitioning of Academic Libraries from Collection Providers to Service Providers, and How the Academic Librarian Acting as Liaison Can Lead the Way in Growing the Role of Academic Librarianship.
I have also created a chart showing the similarities, differences, and overlap of applicable skills in these three information environments, using specific pieces of coursework and artifacts that I have created.
How I Have Changed From the Person I Was Before These Courses, to the Person After, to the Person I Am Now:
Before taking these courses, completing these assignments, and creating the presented evidence, I did not have a wide range of understanding regarding remote or academic library based employment settings. As my knowledge base of different employment settings grew, it seemed that the world of remote work grew right along with it. I started this MLIS program in January of 2020, which was also the very beginning of the pandemic. I remember telling a friend to be careful on her flight home that January, as I had heard of this weird bug going around called Covid-19. Now, as we as a society are completing our second year of living in a global pandemic and I am completing grad school, remote work settings for information professionals are more plentiful, and for people like me who have disabilities, more desirable, than ever. While horrified at the damage the pandemic has wrought, it has also taught us that many important roles can be filled remotely. This migration to remote work has provided a new level of accessibility to me and to many others.
What I Have Learned:
I have learned that there are many interesting settings that can benefit from the presence of information professionals. I have learned this through taking courses on the information professions, such as “Information 204: Information Professions”, “Information 230: Issues in Academic Libraries”, and “Information 232: Issues in Public Libraries”. I have also learned the steep value of my technology and communication skills enhanced by my courses such as, “Information 202: Information Retrieval System Design”, “Information 203: Online Learning Tools and Strategies for Success”, “Information 244: Online Searching”, “Information 275: Library Services for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities”, and “Information 285: Applied Research Methods”. I have learned that I am exceedingly qualified for many remote roles. This is supported by the extensive list of digital resources that I have created that encompass important issues such as accessibility, EDI, professional-quality deliverables, and knowledge of an audience.
Section 4 of 4:
How the Knowledge I Have Gained Will Influence Me in the Future, as an Information Professional
What I Bring to the Position, in Terms of Competency B:
I bring with me a deep appreciation for the level of accessibility remote positions provide to me. I bring a comprehensive understanding of technological issues ranging from laptop capabilities, debugging protocols, creative platforms such as Wix, Canva, and Adobe, to video and photo editing software. I bring a strong ability to utilize appropriate formatting methods to create impressive deliverables. I also bring extensive knowledge on the importance of catering information products to specific audiences. I am incredibly self-motivated and remote roles allow me to excel in project, resource, and digital artifact creation.
How My Learning in Competency B Will Contribute to My Professional Competence in the Future:
I am an excellent choice for remote roles such as resource and content creators because I excel in self-driven projects and timelines, at creating professional-grade information deliverables, and at evaluating digitally presented resources for issues of accessibility, EDI, audience, and format. I have honed these skills by creating Evidence A (LibGuide), which taught me to design and cater a project to be accessed and utilized by a fully remote audience who could benefit from my deliverable, and to do so without financial barriers to my audience. My understanding of remote workplace settings, including the applicability of the many digital resources that I have already created, make me an outstanding choice for this position.
Drag Queen Story Hour. (n.d.).
HAFUBOTI. (2020). #LAFE library.
Let’s Move in Libraries. (n.d.) Let’s get healthy.
Let’s Move in Libraries. (n.d.) Storywalk.